Did you know that between 25-45 million people suffer with Irritable Bowl Syndrome in the US? Around 2 in 3 sufferers are female and 1 in 3 are male, but how do you know if you’re one of them? We’re exploring the symptoms of IBS and discussing what you can do to manage them (1).
But first, what is IBS?
IBS or irritable bowel syndrome is a common condition which affects the digestive system. The symptoms often range from person to person and can include:
While the exact cause of IBS is unknown, it’s thought to be linked to food passing through your gut too quickly or too slowly. There isn’t a cure for irritable bowl syndrome, but it can be eased by making small changes to your everyday lifestyle (2).
How do I find out if I have IBS?
If you suspect that you have IBS, you should seek medical advice from a medical professional. They will ask you a series of questions, including questions about your lifestyle and symptoms as well as any triggering foods that seem to flare up your symptoms.
There are no tests for IBS, but your doctor may want to test for other things to rule out any other problems. These tests could include things like a blood test or stool sample (2).
3 ways you can manage your IBS
Get plenty of exercise
If you suffer more from the constipation side of irritable bowl syndrome, make sure you’re exercising regularly. Exercise can simulate muscle contractions in your intestines and speed up the process. This is because the longer the waste stays in your colon, the more water is absorbed from the stool into your body (3).
Keep a diary of the foods you eat
Keeping a food diary is a great way to recognize your triggers no matter what your symptoms are. Making a note of each meal of the day means you can focus on the foods that work for you. Any foods that seem to be flaring you up should be noted down and avoided.
Try to find ways to relax
Lots of people don’t realize, but stress is a BIG trigger for IBS. By taking time to relax and unwind, you’ll be reducing autonomic stress which will help you to feel like you’re more in control of your symptoms (2).
How can exante help?
exante can help with your IBS because we offer a range of gut-friendly products, perfect for keeping your digestive health in check. Try our JUICED range, a world’s first clear meal replacement shake, packed with protein and fiber so you can feel great on the inside!

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