This Friday marks the annual Earth Day celebration, a day dedicated to all-things planet-loving! In today’s blog, we’re chatting about the ways we can all help our planet in time for Earth Day 2022 and giving tips on how you can make your exante journey plant-based and planet-friendly one meal replacement at a time…
- Add all sauce ingredients except water to a bowl and mix well. Add hot water 1 tablespoon at a time and whisk until desired consistency is achieved (should be pourable but thick).
- To make tofu crunchy, it is typically flipped in cornstarch before frying, which is not approved on a keto diet. So instead, we will substitute cornstarch for xanthan gum.
- Cut the tofu into small pieces, place into a bowl, add xanthan gum, and mix well.
- Heat a little oil in a nonstick skillet. Add your tofu. Stir-fry until golden brown, about 10 mins.
- Add half of your peanut sauce to the pan. Stir-fry for another 3-5 minutes. As the sauce browns, it will form small crispy pieces around the tofu.
- Put a few lettuce leaves on a large plate. Fill each lettuce cup with a scoop of the tofu mixture and garnish with seeds, peanuts and chives. Enjoy!